Vision & Values 6 – Love

Devotions - Week 6


Key Scripture:  1 Corinthians 13
So we come to the end of this Vision and Values series. Reminding ourselves that who we are will always shape what we do. Our purpose as Kingdom bringers flows out of our identity as image bearers. Discipleship leads us to the Kingdom.

This week in our sermon we recognised that our vision of following Jesus together as a covenant community is not always matched by our reality. Our individual and corporate imperfections – those bits of us that are not yet quite like Jesus – cause us disappointment and pain.

If we are not going to let that disappointment and pain lead us into bitterness and cynicism, we need to apply the agape love of God.


Read 1 Corinthians 13 out loud a couple of times on your own or as a group and then consider some of the following questions:

  1. Where in your life have others applied this sort of love towards you?

  2. How did it impact you?

  3. What characteristics of this agape love do you find most challenging?

  4. If the root of this love is applied forgiveness, what does scripture teach us about forgiveness?

  5. How might the spiritual disciplines of prayer and worship help us to grow in love?

Take some time to think about all that we have looked at and talked about over the last 6 weeks:

  1. What has encouraged you?

  2. What has challenged you?

  3. What have you agreed together as a Life Group, household or family group that you might seek to do differently moving forward?
This Everyday Devotions was written by Simon Elliott, our Lead Elder.

If you would like to listen to the whole of this week’s sermon on Vision & Values 6 why not download the Everyday Church App or visit our website, YouTube Channel and at our Online Church Services.

This Everyday Devotions is accompanied by a devotional video that you can watch on our YouTube Channel.

Follow our Everyday Devotions Playlist for some songs to help you worship God in Spirit and truth this week.
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