Exodus 7-10 – The Purpose of the Plagues

Walking Through Exodus

Devotions - Week 4

Key Passages:  Exodus 7-10
Exodus chapters 7 to 10 lead us through Moses’ confrontations with Pharaoh, with, as David Pawson says, words followed by works, discourse followed by destruction. The plagues reveal both God’s justice and mercy - his grace in giving warning before final judgement and his power and sovereignty over the Egyptian gods and Pharaoh. But most of all a demonstration to both the Israelites, Egyptians and us, that God is God alone.

In our response to this God entreats us not to harden our hearts, for now is the time of salvation. Moses brought word from God to Pharaoh ‘Let my people go that they may worship me’ (Exodus 7:16, NIV). We are set free to follow, to serve, to worship. God calls us to worship with everything we are and everything we have.

I am praying for you as you read and listen to this devotion, the Holy Spirit applies the grace of Jesus to our lives, bringing some hard-hitting challenges because the Father loves us so much and is calling us to live out lives of worship to Jesus.

Pharaoh tried to limit the worship of the people. First, saying that the people could not go far. Secondly, permitting only the men to go and the women and children to be left behind. Finally, dictating that the majority of the flocks and herds, the animals to be sacrificed in worship, would be held back.

  • Reflect on how far you go in living a life of worship. Is this Sunday only or an every day experience?

  • Someone said to me recently ‘God is in the business of saving households’. How may you be held back in worshipping as a Life Group/household/friendship group?

  • How much is God calling you to give in your worship? Does worship involve your time, character, money, relationships, etc?

Please have ready Colossians 3:1-5 and then follow this link for the video accompanying this devotion.

We are created to worship; it is our default setting. We are worshipping someone or something.

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any hidden idols in your life. Anything that takes up your time, your thoughts, your passion. Tim Keller (Counterfeit gods) notes that these are sometimes connected to your most painful emotions, something so important to you that you must have it at all costs to be fulfilled or significant and that scares you when it is threatened.

  • Thomas Chalmers: ‘The only way to dispossess the heart of an old affection is by the expulsive power of a new one’. Ask Jesus to lift your gaze and fill your heart with him – the one who brings meaning, value, love, trust, significance, hope and security; the one you can serve and worship with your whole life.
This Everyday Devotions was written by Amanda Featherstone who, together with her husband David, leads our Sutton Venue.

If you would like to listen to the whole of this week’s sermon on "Exodus 7-10 – The Purpose of the Plagues" why not download the Everyday Church App or visit our website, YouTube Channel and at our Online Church Services.

This Everyday Devotions is accompanied by a devotional video that you can watch on our YouTube Channel.

Join us as we walk through the book of Exodus by following our daily Exodus Bible Reading Plan.

Follow our Everyday Devotions Playlist for some songs to help you worship God in Spirit and truth this week.
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