Exodus 40:34-38 – The Glory of the Lord

Walking Through Exodus

Devotions - Week 18

We have come to the end of our walk through Exodus. What a joy it has been to travel together. To see in this story of a nation, the bigger picture of God’s eternal plans to draw all people to himself. We have, as promised at the start, seen pattens of redemption throughout and have bumped into Jesus along the way. Israel’s story is our story and Israel’s God is our God.

In this week’s sermon we highlighted some core aspects of God’s character as revealed in the Exodus narrative:
  • God seeks and saves the lost. (Exodus 3:7)
  • God’s compassion makes his side with the outcast and the oppressed. (Exodus 22:22-24)
  • God is a God of grace – God rescues before he regulates. The people did not keep the law to earn their freedom, they received the law as a sign of their freedom – boundaries from God to protect their relationships with him and with one another. (Exodus 3:12)
  • God longs for relationship and articulates this longing through the revelation of his name and the outpouring of his presence. (Exodus 33:14-17)

You do not need to be a professor of theology to recognise in Jesus the perfect revelation of these characteristics:
  • Jesus came to seek and save the lost. (Luke 19:1-10)
  • Jesus spends his time lifting up those on the edge of society and welcoming the outcast. (John 4:1-26, Luke 7:36-50, Matthew 25:31-46)
  • Jesus is the perfect demonstration of God’s grace and mercy – he reveals the unconditional love of the father, and what it means to live a life of obedience motivated by that love. (Matthew 5-7)
  • Jesus is the perfect model of relationship with the Father, and he is the means by which we can all enter into that relationship. (John 3:16, John 14:6, Matthew 3:17)
  • God dwells in our midst in Jesus through the incarnation (John 1). Jesus' life, death, resurrection and ascension release God’s presence on all his people through the outpouring and the ongoing filling of the Holy Spirit. (John 16:7, Acts 1:4-8)

Spend some time in these truths this week by studying these scriptures, both on your own and in your Life Groups.

Allow these scriptures to capture your attention and stir your heart. Having done that spend some time meditating and discussing the following questions:

  • How are you doing in your active witnessing?

We encourage one another to practice the simple model of Prayer, Care and Share to stir ourselves to live more missional lifestyles. It is often the third part that we find hardest – taking the opportunity to share our faith. Let’s keep being honest with one another on this area. God, through Christ, is proactive in seeking the lost, what about us?

  • Where are we proactively reaching out to those on the edge of our society and how are we pursuing justice for the oppressed?

Matthew 25 is a challenging passage, and the overall context of the passage suggests to me that this is not just about caring for those within the church, it is also about bringing justice and support to all those who need it.

  • How are we doing living lives of grace filled obedience? 

Jesus does not lower the bar of holiness. We do not live holy lives to earn the love of God, by no means. But the unconditional love of God creates in us a desire to live holy lives. When did the word of God last challenge your lifestyle? How did you respond? What did you do?

  • Go on being filled.

I realise these are challenging questions. Remember we are not alone. God calls us for relationship with him in the context of a community and with his presence in our midst. We must go on being filled with the Holy Spirit.

Try and make time in your groups and in even as you finish this devotion to wait on God and allow the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh.
This Everyday Devotion was written by Simon Elliott, our Lead Elder.

If you would like to listen to the whole of this week’s sermon on "Exodus 40:34-38 – The Glory of the Lord", why not download the Everyday Church App or visit our website, YouTube Channel and at our Online Church Services.

This Everyday Devotions is accompanied by a devotional video that you can watch on our YouTube Channel.

Join us as we walk through the book of Exodus by following our daily Exodus Bible Reading Plan.

Follow our Everyday Devotions Playlist for some songs to help you worship God in Spirit and truth this week.
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